Grab My Must Have Cheatsheet

on How to Build Extra Revenue





This is always the hardest part, I think.

Don't you think this is the hardest part of change?

Why is hitting that small button, so hard?

Don't worry, this is a "friend" zone.

This is about COMMUNITY & Making Money.

I've been where you are, & I understand!

First, get started with the


cheatsheet down below.

Then, you'll begin to receive emails from me about how to build

MSI's & navigating making money online.

All things I've DONE or am doing.

Are you fed up with the monotony of the 9-5 grind, tired of answering to that boss who just doesn't get it? Feeling utterly unfulfilled and wondering if there's more to life than this endless cycle?

You know what? You don't have to keep doing it. I understand the feeling of being stuck, weighed down by mortgages, kids' education expenses, debt, and all

the other adult responsibilities.

But let me tell you, working for a lifeless boss; for someone else's dream; will only

rob you of your time, energy, and joy.

And the truth is, you don't have to do it.

Forbes says, “Entrepreneurs are Cashing

In On Affiliate Partnerships......."

It is time to prioritize you.

Let me help identify and show you how to leverage multiple streams of income by first assessing your current professional situation

and level of fulfillment.

For those who are content in their current profession, we dive deep into your skillset, expertise, and industry knowledge to develop a plan for building online revenue streams that complement their existing career. This may involve creating digital products, affiliate marketing, offering consulting services, or monetizing their expertise through online courses or memberships.

For individuals who are feeling burned out or seeking new opportunities, we explore alternative income streams such as ecommerce, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, TikTok affiliate programs, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), and more. Together, we develop a customized strategy tailored to their interests, strengths, and goals, ensuring they have a clear

roadmap for success.

And, so they can say "KISS MY ARSE" to the BOSS!

Once an income stream is established and fully automated, we rinse and repeat the process to diversify and scale their revenue streams further.

By continually exploring new opportunities and optimizing existing income sources, I aim to create a robust portfolio of revenue streams that provides financial stability and freedom for YOU!


Grab my must have


If you are new to Affiliate Marketing, this is some fabulous information. So just take the time, and watch the short video on the next page...It's the exact training I took to begin my affiliate marketing career, and I have found it to truly be a game changer.

Its just a video....but it's good information about Affiliate Marketing, if you're interested in adding this as one of your multiple streams of income

The internet has fundamentally altered our business practices and purchasing habits.

Ponder how this technological revolution has redefined our approach

to commerce in various spheres of life.

Now, consider this: why not you? Because no matter your situation, it is possible.

I want you to seize a slice of that pie, capitalizing on the opportunities

brought forth by this transformation for your benefit.

And this is where I step offer gentle guidance....because afterall....I've done all of this!

Failed too! But, huge success!

When I first started learning about making money online, no joke,

I thought I was drinking water out of a firehose!

I took so many courses, watched youtube until my eyes blurred, read every single piece I could get my hands on......and still.....there wasn't enough EXACT mechanisms to achieve success without a lot of guesswork and troubleshooting. Which that meant, a lot of wasted money and

time to identify what would really work!


"Unapologetically forging fortunes with a fearless twist & a touch of cheek,

because navigating an empire should be as bold as it is brilliant."

Let's kick things off & Elevate your life.

Success Stories

"Shelby has been a self employed BOSS BABE as long as I’ve known her. She truly has her fingers in everything….Real Estate, Investment Properties, Making Money Online, Wine, Beer, Dogs……. Seriously, she’s a master of all. She’s the first person I call when I have a project because I know I can get a real opinion rather than just something that’ll make her money. I trust her. And I call her friend."

Sontaya Rose

Director of Communications

City of Fresno

Fresno, California

“As a business owner, collaborating with Shelby has been exceptional. Her refined expertise and commitment to excellence have elevated our standards. Shelby possesses a deep understanding of diverse industries, contributing significantly to the success and diversification of our income streams. Engaging with such a knowledgeable professional has been a privilege, and I look forward to continued success in our entrepreneurial endeavors.”

Kunal Mittal

CEO, Founder

LXV Wine

Paso Robles, California

"Shelby’s guidance is like having a backstage pass to life’s amusement park. Her mentorship adds humor to the rollercoaster of challenges, turning the journey into a thrilling joyride.

Move over serious mentorships, Shelby brings the fun to the ride!"

Danika Embry


All Dry

Santa Barbara, California

Let's call it what it is. BULLSH** on the notion that "money doesn't make you happy."

While it's true that financial wealth alone isn't a guarantee of happiness, dismissing its significance overlooks the tangible benefits it brings.

Money provides security, access to resources, and opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. While it's essential to prioritize non-material aspects of life, such as relationships and experiences, let's not downplay the role that

financial stability plays in overall well-being.




Nashville, Tennessee

Anytime, I'm just an email away.

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No tricks here. Just honesty. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Rest assured, I only recommend products and services I genuinely believe in.

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